Thursday, February 18, 2010



  1. Frank, you have excellent illustration abilities! Your flipbook definitely had some of the best hand drawn artwork in it, and really smooth transitions between pages. I also like that you had several different types of animations throughout without any awkward transitions. I really liked your use of color for emphasis.

  2. I loved your drawings they were so cool! especially the old man and the hot dog at the beginning. I liked that it was really gory, it made your book that much more interesting. I thought your book was very funny, but I kind of wish the hand at the end was holding up its middle finger. POLAR BEAAARRR <3

  3. The several different actions in the book was interesting. It kept your attention and interest. The hot-dog pulling out the ma's tongue was hilarious and really creative. I also liked your use of color and the polar bear!

  4. I thought all of your drawings were very detailed and the transitions were interesting! I also really liked your use of color. Loved the polar bears!

  5. So good. I loved this, it is quirky and weird. The polar bear is sweet, and I love the hot-dog. Great facial expression of the man. Very funny. I really am glad we passed our books around because you had an excellent one.

  6. The best animation in the Class! You showed a significant amount of detail in each page! That must have took some time. The basketball dunk with the head was hilarious!

  7. Ok so the hotdog punching the guy was amazing. I love your details and sense of humor. Reminded me of the rejected cartoons of Don Hertzfeldt. Awesome job.

  8. Your flip book as actually able to spark emotion in my as I flipped through. The illustrations were amazing, and it looks like you have some experience with drawing. I think the best part of the book was the close-up on the man with the bloody nose. You truly captured a crazed look and it actually disturbed me to flip through. Very well done.

  9. Your flipbook was really artistic, I liked how discontinuous it was and how you used a little bit of color to enhance your scenes. The polar bear transition was really great and well done. Nice job.

  10. Awesome job, and I think everyone else has already explained why!

  11. Yours was one of my favorites! So much detail...I especially loved the one guy playing basketball with the other guy's head. So creative!

  12. So many details in yours!! I loved your drawings!!! Especially the polar have so much talent!! Keep up the good job!!
